-“If you have already taken driver’s Ed, have your permit, but still need behind the wheel, please go see Ms Kauffman in room 2-035 at some point so she can get you signed up.”
-For all students who are going on the UIC college visit this Thursday, May 2, you will need to be at the school by 7:30. We plan to leave at 8 am sharp. We will be on a tight schedule. If you have further questions, please see Mr. Hodapp in room 2-004.
-There will be an NHS meeting TODAY in room 3-011 at 2:45 pm for juniors only.
-Art club will meet on Friday from 3:17pm- 4:15pm. Come out to practice your art skills or learn new ones, or just meet new people!
-Any student that made the honor roll or had perfect attendance for the third quarter is invited to attend our Day Party this, Thursday, May 2nd. 9th & 10th grade will attend during 6th hour and 11th & 12th grade will attend during 7th hour. A list has gone out via Global Canvas announcements. It is organized by grade level and then alphabetically, so please verify that your name is on the list. Please do not just assume that you are or are not on the list.
-There are 19 days of school remaining and today’s letter of the day in our ABC countdown is: H is for Hat! Wear a hat to school! Just make sure the bill is facing forward or straight back (no sideways bills). Tomorrow, there will be 18 days of school remaining and the theme is I is for Individuality! Wear something that represents YOU as an individual! (Favorite band, character, team, style, ANYTHING!) Encourage your classmates and your teachers to participate and let’s make this end of the year a GREAT ONE! Check your Global Canvas announcements to view the entire calendar of the days for the remainder of the year.
-Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 1st. We will have a senior class meeting at the start of second period (and will run into third period). Seniors- report to second hour and wait for the intercom announcement to dismiss you to the east end of the Atrium. Morning CACC students will have their meeting during fifth hour. We will cover end of the year activities and seniors will be picking up their caps & gowns. In order to receive your cap & gown you must have your balance paid in full.
-Now for a moment of silence.
-Please Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
-And now it’s time for today’s welcoming ritual. Please take a moment to discuss your response with your class: 16 school days left until final exams! What is ONE thing that you need from the adults here at LHS over the next few weeks? Don't forget, WE are here for YOU! Reach out to the adults at LHS for support and guidance! We WANT YOU TO SUCCEED