-“If you have already taken driver’s Ed, have your permit, but still need behind the wheel, please go see Ms Kauffman in room 2-035 at some point so she can get you signed up.”
-Art club will meet FRIDAY from 3:17pm- 4:15pm. Come out to practice your art skills or learn new ones, or just meet new people!
-The 2024 Grad Walk is here - Seniors please check your email for a direct message from Mrs. Dyas- there is a link to sign-up! Get a permission slip or more information from your post secondary coach, Mr. Metzke! Space is limited and we will only accept 75 students total for each day (25 from each school).
-NHS Seniors You must have all of your hours turned into Ms. Grendze NO LATER THAN APRIL 26th if you wish to receive your NHS cords, certificate and be part of the newspaper announcement. No exceptions will be made.
-Students needing to make up the standardized tests from last week will be contacted by Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Ford, or Mrs. Burtle this week. We are first focusing on the SAT and will then do PSAT make-ups. Any juniors that are planning to graduate early next year must have the SAT taken by the end of make-ups this week.
-Any student that made honor roll or had perfect attendance for the third quarter is invited to attend our Day Party on Thursday, May 2nd. 9th & 10th grade will attend during 6th hour and 11th & 12th grade will attend during 7th hour. A list has gone out via Global Canvas announcements. It is organized by grade level and then alphabetically, so please verify that your name is on the list. Please do not just assume that you are or are not on the list.
-The SGA proudly presents Viva Las Vegas, Junior-Senior Prom, April 27th, 2024 at Erin’s Pavilion from 8-10. Ticket sales are April 22nd through April 26th during both lunch shifts, tickets are $25 per person and the first 300 tickets are Lanphier Poker Chips. Prom court will be introduced at 8:30!
Online voting for Prom Court and Student Government Association will be Friday April 19th from 7:00am- 3:30pm. Results will be posted no later than 5:00 pm that day. Prom King and queen will be revealed at Prom on April 27th at 8:30pm.
-Now for a moment of silence.
-Please Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
-And now it’s time for today’s welcoming ritual. Please take a moment to discuss your response with your class: Throughout your time here at LHS, what has been your FAVORITE event that you have had the chance to participate in? Has it been an assembly, a game you have attended, a dance, a field trip? Share with your class!