-Any boys interested in participating on the Lanphier/Southeast Swim Team, please stop by the main office to sign up so that we can determine who is interested in participating.

-Girls Pre-season conditioning will start TODAY, November 27th, at 3:30pm. Meet by room 250 with Coach Napier and Coach Jackson. Conditioning will be Monday,Wednesday and Friday. Any questions see Coach Napier or Coach Daniel.

-“If you have already taken driver’s Ed, have your permit, but still need behind the wheel, please go see Ms Kauffman in room 2-035 at some point so she can get you signed up.”

-Do you want to be a part of our movie reward celebration on December 8th? Starting November 6th and spanning through the end of November, any student who is TARDY FREE will be attending a movie celebration during 6th & 7th hours on Friday, December 8th. Stay tuned for more details! Tardies just from November 6th - November 30th are what will be tracked for this reward. Everyone is eligible for this reward if you meet this criteria! 

-Attention Softball Players!! Any girl who plans to play softball this year, we are having a very important meeting Thursday November 30 after school in room 1-074 (Handy’s Room).  If you miss this meeting or cannot come, you must talk to Coach Handy.

-Now for a moment of silence. 

-Please Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

And now it’s time for today’s welcoming ritual. Please take a moment to discuss your response with your class: If you could invent one thing to make your life easier, what would it be?

Have a great day lions!