-Student Voice Team Members - We will be departing from the Main Entrance, near the North Office, at 9:15am today. We will return at 2pm. Please wait for an announcement to dismiss you. You can bring your stuff with you, or put it in your locker if you’d like. 

-This week’s Take Care Tuesday tip is brought to you by The Peace Room: Say Affirmations - They encourage you to visualize and believe a statement to make positive changes in your life. Affirmations are phrases that you repeat to yourself to change your subconscious thoughts. Over time, they replace any negative beliefs or thoughts with positive thoughts. This instills confidence, positivity, and ambition.

-Softball will begin open gyms tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4 at the field.  They will be from 3:30 - 5. See Coach Handy with questions. 

-Attention: any girl that would like to play soccer this year. There will be a short meeting after school this Thursday, October 5th in room 42. If you have any questions, please see Coach Vargas!

-Open gym for girl’s basketball is being held on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. See Coach Collins or Coach Daniel if you have any questions.

-The cheer team is looking at having an additional tryout for the winter season!  Any 9th through 12th grader interested in trying out for cheerleading will need to complete the interest form and tryout packet which is on Canvas. The Google interest form is due by October 9th at 5pm and you will bring the complete packet with you on the first Clinic on October 12th.  Again, this is to check to see how many students are interested.  A minimum of 10 students will need to express interest in order for a tryout to be held!   .

-Now for a moment of silence. 

-Please Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

-And now it’s time for today’s welcoming ritual. Please take a minute to discuss your response with your class: A new month means a fresh start! What is one GOAL that you have for the month of October?