-Crochet Club will meet for the first time NEXT Thursday September 7th in Ms. Cookson's room 43A

-The theme for Friday night's Football game against Glenwood will be class colors, Seniors will be Blue, Juniors will be Pink,  Sophomores will be Green and Freshman will be Orange! 

-All students at ALL grade levels are eligible to run for our 2023 Homecoming Court. Students who wish to run for homecoming court must pick up a petition form and have it completed and returned to the SENIOR BOX in the Academic Center by Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 3:30pm. Students on the ballot MUST MEET eligibility requirements. Petition forms for homecoming court will be available beginning on Wednesday, Sept. 6 outside Ms. Davis’ room 47b and outside the Academic Office.Voting will take place Sept. 15 online. More information to follow.

-Now for a moment of silence. 

-Please Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

-And now it’s time for today’s welcoming ritual. Please take a minute to discuss your response with your class: What is one personal goal that you have for yourself for this school year? (i.e. gossiping less, eating healthier)

Have a great day Lions!